Objects orbiting satellite is another object with a certain period of revolution and rotation. There are two types of natural satellite andthe satellite artificial satellite. The remainder of this article willrevolve around an artificial satellite.
The first man-made satellite Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviets onOctober 4, 1957, and started the Russian Sputnik program, withSergei Korolev as chief Kerim Kerimov as design andasistentnya. This triggers the launch of the space race (spacerace) between the Soviet and American.
Sputnik 1 membantuk identify the density of the upper atmosphereby measuring changes in its orbit and deliver data from a radiosignal distribution in the ionosphere layers.Because the satellite body is filled with pressurized nitrogen,Sputnik 1 also provided the first opportunity in the detection ofmeteorites, because the pressure loss caused by the penetration of the meteroid can be seen through the data it sends to theearth's temperature. Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and brought the crew of the first living creature into orbit, a dog named Laika.
In May, 1946, Project Rand issued preliminari to designexperiments to explore the world's spacecraft, which states that, "asatellite vehicle containing the appropriate instrumentation can be expected to be a powerful tool for science of the twentieth century".Americans are already thinking about to launch orbiting satellitessince 1946 under the Office of the U.S. Marine force Aeronotis(Bureau of Aeronautics of the United States Navy). Air Force'sProject RAND eventually released the above report, but did not believe that the satellite was a potential military weapon, but theyregard it as a tool of science, politics, and propaganda. In 1954,the U.S. Defense Sekertari stated, "I do not know of any Americansatellite program."
On July 29, 1955, the House announced that the UnitedStates would be willing to launch a satellite in the spring of 1958. It is then known as Project Vanguard. On 31 July, the Sovietsannounced that they will launch a satellite in the autumn of 1957.
Following pressure from the American Rocket Society (AmericanRocket Society), the National Science Foundation
(NationalScience Foundation), and the International Geophysical Year,military interest increased, and in early 1955 the U.S. Air Forceand Navy work on Project Orbiter, which involved using a Jupiter Cfor launching satellites. The project is a success, and Explorer 1became America's first satellite on January 31, 1958.
In June 1961, three and a half years after the launching of Sputnik1, the Air Force uses a variety of facilities Mata Space Network of America (the United States Space Surveillance Network) tocatalog the number of satellites orbiting the earth 115.
Largest man-made satellites currently orbiting the earth isInterasional Space Station (International Space Station).
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